Extensible Devops For The Complex Enterprise

CodeOnTap is a declarative and opinionated devops framework for enterprises that:

  • Want confident continuous and secure deployments to production workloads in the cloud
  • Use open source but also support and customise COTS products
  • Want to outsource some development without lock-in to any provider.
Get The Framework

Your Favorite Tools And Services

Extensible to support any cloud or enterprise application lifecycle management tools and IaaS platforms. But currently we support github, Docker, Jenkins, ElasticSearch, and Amazon Web Services

Our Conventions, Patterns & Scripts

Leverage our hard learned conventions and scripts for infrastructure as code, automated builds, docker container deployments, environment configuration, and secure credential management

A 5 minute overview of how it works

A few interesting codeontap.io features

  • Complexity management

    We assume you are a big organisation (or systems integrator) with lots tenants and IT products - and provide conventions to manage that complexity.

  • Template driven

    Repeatably deploy complex network environments by providing just a few variables to freemarker templates that generate cloud formation scripts.

  • Security in depth

    TSigned code commits and encrypted credentials permit the use of cloud services without compromising enterprise security requirements.

  • Extensibility

    The conventions are neutral of any devops tool so support for additonal tools just means adding new templates and mappings.

  • Outsourcing without lock-in

    Cloud hosted devops platform allows you to contract external development skills without lock-in becuase you own and run the framework.

  • Instrumentation

    Analytics to monitor (and bill) for use of dozens of services by hundreds of tenants and thousands of products running on countless nodes.

In Use By:

CodeOnTap is free to use under the GPL v3 Open source license. Take it and extend it privately - but you must contribute back anything you want to redistribute